Why does everyone think that they are right?

Rakesh Deshpande
3 min readMay 22, 2020


It is just your opinion but I am right! — Said by everyone.

What if I tell you that you are always right? You wouldn’t agree with me. You might think that I am just kidding and you don’t want to exaggerate that you are perfect. What if I tell you that you are right in most of the discussions and arguments? You wouldn’t disagree with me. You might feel happy that I am appreciating you and you might agree that it is justifiable. That’s how we are! We know we cannot be perfect and cannot fake it so we don’t hesitate to accept the false hope that we are somewhere near perfection.

Nobody is stupid to exaggerate their points without a valid reason or any sentiments attached to it. Well, if they do, they are really stupid. No further discussion. Full Stop! The end!

Every living being except us looks for a sustained environment to stay alive else they can’t survive long enough. Probably that’s the reason many of the reptiles and animals are extinct. We can sustain even when the situation is unfavorable. We are known to challenge nature’s life cycle. Our ancestors did it, our great grandparents did it, in some way, we did it and probably some of our kids will also do it. Despite at random times nature tries to claim it’s routine, we don’t want to give up. That has become our lifestyle now. One of the best examples is COVID-19. Don’t you agree now?

Common sense is not common anymore. With the changing needs and the availability of a variety of solutions to these needs, it is very difficult to prove any point unless you know how to dominate the argument either by raising your voice or by quoting it as “that’s your opinion”.

Now the question is, who is right?

Uffffhh…(Long deep exaltation). It is very difficult to answer such a complicated question. As I said, I am not perfect so it’s obvious that my answer is not perfect either to apply it universally. It is not very difficult to understand the fact that we all come from different favorable and unfavorable living environments. I mean unfavorable environments like domestic violence, bad neighborhood, worst climatic conditions, nurtured by superstitious believers, procrastinators, lack in faith and confidence, and surrounded by illiterates. Similarly, favorable environments like happy families, surrounded by scientific facts and valid figures, nurtured by educated people, and sustainable climatic conditions.

Each of these environments brings a lot of different points of views. To be precise, a guy who was nurtured in an environment like domestic violence will have a different point of view on betrayal from a guy who was nurtured in an environment like a happy and satisfied family. Let’s say Harish who grew up in an environment where he often found his father betraying his mother and abusing her makes him think that trusting someone he loves too much will only cause pain and nothing else. However, let’s say Avantika who grew up in a hospitable and safe environment who often saw her parents sharing so much of love and laughter makes her think that trusting someone she loves will make her happy and life becomes more meaningful.

While each of their backgrounds made them build such opinions about life but is that the truth? Who is right now and why? What if Harish and Avantika fall in love with each other? Will Harish continue to doubt his commitment and her love? Will Avantika end up struggling to convince Harish and prove her point?

Source: Clipart-library

It doesn’t matter who is correct here. All it matters is whether they are willing to understand each other’s point of view with patience and honesty. In fact, it is just an “opinion”. An opinion which is neither accurate nor universally true. It is obvious that sometimes we appear like a mirror. You stand in front of a mirror and start yelling for some non sensible reason, it won’t stand still. You will see your image reacting the same way you are doing. Likewise, our reactive opinions lead to such differences in point of views.

Be patient. Be considerate. Be true to yourself and others. Our lives are filled with lies and opinions which can never be universally true. All we can try is empathy.



Rakesh Deshpande
Rakesh Deshpande

Written by Rakesh Deshpande

Author of two books | Writer | Optimist

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